Friday, May 6, 2011

So Tell Me...

Things in my life right now are going pretty well, it's not too hard but it's not easy either. Everyday I find myself doing something a little different but doing some same things, like staying up late and writing blogs instead of sleeping. I am enjoying life as it is giving me the right amount of everything I like doing -- video games, socializing, small amounts of schoolwork and eating. So now I ask the question why? Why are things like this?

My life consists of what I always describe myself as, a guy who lives his life one day at a time. That is one of the big factors of why my life is like it is. I like it but I also want something more as well. I am satisfied yet at times I think I'm not. I know there's something there but I just can't seem to figure out what it is. It is a piece of my life that I feel I had at one point yet I lost it. I think to myself, "innocence? no, that's not it." And I ask myself again, why are things like this? I feel strong but afraid. Satisfying yet not. My inside seems calm yet destructive by nature. I look for an answer to a question I myself can't find...

I think again at this moment and find what I am miss, what my void needs, what I'm scared of getting myself into again. It is an emotional attachment. The feeling of latching onto something and never wanting to let go. The feeling of having someone other than your relatives or friends or pets to make you feel joy in your heart. In other words, love.

So why are things like they are in my life? It is because I choose to live it like this, one day at a time and without an "emotional attachment."


  1. I believe everyone asks themselves "Why?" at one point in their life. You're not alone. One of these days, you will find an "emotional attachment" that will be with you throughout your whole life. Only time can tell. :)

  2. why there is a life? it could be nothing exist too

  3. You should check out the Dutch documentary called All We Ever Wanted (unless You know dutch you need also subtitles) - it shows young people in the creative industry and their anxieties regarding life. It's really good, has awesome soundtrack and I'm pretty sure it relates to what You're talking about.

    here's the link:

  4. Really nice read, i can completly find in points of your blog! Keep it up =]

  5. Emotional attachments are important, but not needed. This realisation allows you to have good emotional relations with others

  6. I understand -and to me it helps by doing something special once in a while. And at a relationship: if it doesn't work out, you'll be one experience richer. Good luck with the <3.

  7. the answer to the question: why? can only be found by you and nobody else

  8. It may be easy now... but its unhealthy in the long run. Its been eating at me for years now.

  9. i really like the layout on this blog, grats

  10. I'm pretty practical about it all. We're on this Earth together, let's just enjoy it together. Make the most out of every breath. It's a beautiful life.

  11. Relationships often suck man...

    Btw thanks for following me properly im glad you're taking active part in my blog :) i will in yours too as minimal gratitude :)

  12. You are pro at self-analysing, ever thought about getting a Psychology degree?

  13. I never usually think this deep. Interesting post.

  14. trust me, right now my relationship sucks! sometimes i wish i wasn't in it, being single is nothing to be ashamed of.

  15. Deep post dude.

  16. Been single my whole life, so I can't really relate to everyone else. Sorry though :/

  17. Nice article, keep them coming!

  18. Surprisingly deep post for a blog. Nice work

  19. Smart guy once told me "We're doing exactly what we want every second of the day". Think about it.

  20. why is the most importan question ever..
